We blog about relevant issues in criminal defense law, discuss the misconceptions surrounding criminal defense law, and provide readers with helpful criminal defense information and resources.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Defending the College Student

Now that everyone is back on campus for the 2015-16 school year it is time to address what happens when your college student runs afoul with the law.  This can become rather complicated because the student is now of legal age, but may be accused of mischief befitting that of someone younger.

In representing a college student, the defense is usually two-fold.  The actual criminal case will unfold in a court of law.  Meanwhile if the criminal charge was deemed to have taken place on a college campus there could be disciplinary action taken by the school. 

In the Commonwealth, Attorney Paul Moraski knows that it is delicate balance to protect the student’s Constitutional Rights in the Court proceedings and at the same time make a satisfactory response to the college’s disciplinary board.  Attorney Moraski will not only give you his full attention, but he is young enough to appreciate the impact that it has on the student’s entire future.  Contact Massachusetts attorney Paul Moraski today at (978) 744-1200.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Consequences of Shoplifting.

Shoplifting sounds like a minor infraction doesn’t it?  Who didn’t steal a pack of gum as a kid?  You would think that on the surface it sounds like a petty crime with no real consequences.   You may be sadly mistaken.  In today’s world retailers have spent millions of dollars on surveillance equipment as well as extra employees to prevent “spillage”.  You can be sure that they want to justify that extra expense by cracking down on petty crime.

Retailers and Department stores petition Local Law Enforcement Officers and the District Attorney’s Office to prosecute these crimes to the full extent of the law.  If you are ever suspected of shoplifting expect to have a Clerk’s Hearing.  In this proceeding an experienced criminal attorney will work out a deal with the prosecutor to avoid formal charges.

Do not consider shoplifting to be a minor infraction!  It could literally haunt you for the rest of your life.  Contact Massachusetts criminal defense attorney Paul R. Moraski for the aggressive representation you need and deserve.  Give Attorney Moraski a call today at (978) 744-1200.