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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A Misdemeanor Charge Can Haunt You for the Rest of Your Life.

Let’s say that you have a misdemeanor charge on your record.  Just because it is not a felony doesn’t mean it will not be harmful to your future.  Most crimes come with direct and indirect consequences.  A misdemeanor charge in Massachusetts on your record can be a detriment when trying to obtain housing, employment and citizenship. It can lead to deportation if you aren't a natural citizen. 

Direct Consequences

Direct consequences of misdemeanor charges are those imposed by the judge as a result of your being found guilty of a crime. These punishments are significantly lower than for felonies, but they are not necessarily insignificant—they can easily take you away from friends and family for an extended period of time and deplete your finances.

• Jail: Especially for multiple misdemeanor offenses, it is possible to spend up to a year or more in jail.
• Fines: Misdemeanor crimes are eligible for fines as well.
• Mandatory classes: You may be required to complete an alcohol or drug abuse program for some offenses.

Other possible sentences, such as community service or court supervision, can also severely restrict your freedom while you are subject to them.

No matter what the consequences you may be facing, indirect or direct, you must get ahead of the situation with aggressive representation.  In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Attorney Paul Moraski is on your team.  Call him immediately at (978) 744-1200 or visit his website at www.northofbostonlaw.com.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

What is the Difference Between OUI and DWI?

Across the nation, drunk driving laws are aimed to curtail impaired driving and save lives.  It turns out Massachusetts uses the OUI standard and the biggest distinction is that a driver may be charged if the keys are in the ignition, even if the operator pulled off the road to sleep off a bottle of Jack Daniels. In states with DWI laws, this same impaired operator may not be charged if he or she pulled off the road.

Where did these stricter laws come from?

Impaired driving laws save lives and efforts to curtail repeat offenders were bolstered with the enactment of Melanie’s Law in 2005. The statute is named after thirteen year old Melanie Powell of Marshfield who was killed in an accident caused by a repeat offender in 2003. Melanie’s Law strengthens the penalties for repeat drunk drivers. Statistics show that the roads have become safer under Melanie’s Law- 3500 Massachusetts drivers with a history of driving drunk are unable to start their cars today without first blowing a clean, sober breath into a tube to unlock their ignition.

It is important not to run from your responsibility.  It will follow you for the rest of your life.  You need to contact an attorney immediately.  If you don’t then you will risk serving jail time and piling up increasingly higher fines.  Do not take this lightly…tackle the situation head-on.

If you have been arrested for a DUI or OUI in the Commonwealth, contact Massachusetts Criminal Defense Attorney Paul R . Moraski at (978) 744-1200 immediately for a free phone consultation.