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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Domestic Violence and the Holidays.

Domestic violence knows no season.  It may rear its ugly head at any time.  Unfortunately, as people are brought together in close quarters during an already stressful time, domestic violence is always on the rise this time of year.  There are family gatherings that some wish could be avoided.  One partner insists on going while the other is opposed to it and conflict ensues.

Now you add the potential of drugs or alcohol to the situation and you have a REAL prescription for disaster.  Not only is the couple in danger, but the people at the party can become collateral damage.  Here is where the situation may become cloudy.  There are varying opinions and testimonies as to what has happened in a domestic violence issue that has played out in a public setting.

At a time like this it is mandatory to have a tough attorney on your side if you are the one being accused.  Massachusetts Criminal Attorney Paul R. Moraski will be sure that you are vigorously represented against the accusations that are being made by witnesses to the event.  If you have been involved in a domestic violence issue in the Commonwealth please call Attorney Paul Moraski at (978) 744-1200.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

ZooLights Promises to Dazzle Visitors This Season

Zoo Lights - Stone Zoo
Join in on the Holiday Fun!
Friday, Nov. 27 - Sunday, Jan. 3, 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. (Closed Dec. 25) - See more at: http://www.zoonewengland.org/engage/zoolights#sthash.suwY6eFY.dpuf
Stone Zoo, Friday, Nov. 27th - Jan. 3rd, 5pm-9pm (Closed Dec. 25th)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Avoid Stress this Holiday Season.

This time of year we are brought together with people in places we are not used to.  Our behavior or that of those around us can change just because it is December.  Don’t be a part of the problem.  If you plan on being a part of holiday revelry either find a designated driver or be that person.  It’s such an old song isn’t it, but why subject yourself to years of inconvenience because of a holiday mistake?

And I know this may sound crazy right now, but don’t be a participant in road rage.  You may get caught in holiday traffic.  Turn up the radio and sing your favorite song.  Take a long, slow, deep breath, focus on nature around you.  Eat a snack if you are at a complete stop.  And always stay in your vehicle.

If you or a friend messes up this time of year help is a phone call away.  Massachusetts Criminal Defense Attorney Paul R. Moraski can be reached anytime by calling (978) 397-0011.  Don’t worry, no problem or situation is too insignificant for Attorney Moraski to address.  To see all of the areas of criminal law that he practices visit his website at www.northofbostonlaw.com.